School of Evangelism

School of Evangelism

One of the main reasons Christians rarely share their faith is they need some hands on, classroom and model experiences all folded into one experience. Pastors just don’t often fill this niche as well as a pure grade evangelist.

I take people through making sure they know the Gospel. I teach praying with visionary faith for lost people. I prepare people for the big questions and how to start conversations that lead to interest and then to faith.

And I have learned something about evangelists like myself we are contagious. Just getting your church around an evangelist can get them addicted to how this works. We have usually just thought of evangelists as those who speak publicly about receiving Christ. The evangelist in the church can demonstrate for everyone how to effectively and simply share the gospel in ways anyone can get the job done.

And for me as I study this topic knowing how to contend for the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit to open hearts is essential as well. And yes that can be taught. And yes I am good at it.

Want to learn more about our evangelism programs:

Evangelist Association Embedded Staff Evangelist